Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Back To The Grind

 My alarm went off at 5:40 am.  I spent a few moments still laying in bed praying to God and asking Him to help my children get through their first day of school and the rest of the year.  I went across the hallway to wake up my eighth grader and then stepped into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee for both me and my hubby.  My eleventh grader, who doesn't have to leave until a half hour after his sister, wanted me to wait until 6:30 to wake him up.  I could hear the nervousness in his tone and see it in his expression.  The bus came to pick up middle school and then high school.  I don't have to start my school van run until Thursday, since the kids I pick up are going to a different school in another town.  I intend on taking these two days to focus on the home.  But for now, I'll enjoy the quiet with a cup of coffee and this blog.  

It's hard to grasp the idea that my children are growing so quickly.  I'll be thinking about them all day hoping that everything is going well.  

The weeks ahead are going to be very busy in the evenings with back to school nights, cross country practices/meets, band rehearsals, Friday night football games, and dance starts for the girl in September.  Speaking of dance, on Sunday we picked up her first pair of pointe shoes.  I almost cried when the woman at the store said "Congratulations, you just got your first pair of pointe shoes," as Brianna smiled from ear to ear.  

It brings such a shock to all of us with how quickly summer went by.  Gone are the days of sleeping in and moving at a slower pace.  The weather is cooling giving us a taste of the upcoming autumn season and we are already anticipating when summer vacation arrives again.  The calendar is filled with many activities, which began to give feelings of stress and anxiety, but I was reminded in my daily devotional reading that God is in control.  Now that my children's days will be in a set schedule it's time to get my own routine going.  Housework, meal prepping, exercising, daily devotions, work, and of course, time for this blog.  

Good luck to all the kiddos heading back to school.  

Brooke is loving the one on one attention this morning.


  1. The mornings really have cooled off, haven't they? I am amazed how often that happens when school starts again. I am glad that eveyone had a good first day and attitudes are off to a good start:) Here's to a great year ahead and, yes, enjoying the first few mornings at home. With coffee and your cute puppy!!

  2. Congratulations on your dancer! She looks so lovely! Best wishes for a happy, healthy school year, my friend.
