Friday, August 2, 2024

Dewey Beach, Delaware

I can't believe it's August and we only have three weeks until school and my job begins again.  It feels as though summer vacation starts off slowly but within a blink those back to school emails begin coming in.  August will consist of one more week of band camp, a few birthdays, and prepping our minds for the busy weeks that will be ahead of us.  But for now, I'll enjoy what's left of these slower paced days.    

All four of us had been itching for a beach trip for a long time.  There's just something about that sand and salt water that feels so peaceful and healing.  The beginning of vacation had some issues but as soon as I saw those waves crashing along the Atlantic Ocean I felt at home.  If you don't know, I was born on Long Island and spent my early childhood years there.  The smells, textures, and sounds always brings me back.  We had vacationed at Dewey Beach, Delaware years ago when the kids were smaller and decided to go back.  

My husband and kids are more accustomed to the country life so being at the beach is exciting for them.  

It was our second time staying at the Gold Leaf Hotel at the intersection of Dickinson Ave and Coastal Hwy.  It's a quiet hotel that sits between the ocean and the bay.  

Coastal Hwy is filled with shops, restaurants and bars.  We did a lot of walking, did some shopping, and ate Grotto's Pizza for dinner twice.  

I also had to show off my matching flip-flops and toenails. 

Our second day, which was the only full day, we spent the morning along the water.

The kids enjoyed splashing against the waves while I was content sitting and reading.  

Then we drove to Rehoboth Beach one mile away.  We walked along the boardwalk, did more shopping, the kids played at the arcade and we tried rolled ice cream for the first time.  Have you tried rolled ice cream yet?  It's fun to watch them prepare it and it was delicious.  We only walked a little bit on the sand and did not go to the water.  The reason I don't like Ocean City is because of how crowded it gets, and it's the same for Rehoboth.  So, we headed back to Dewey, which does have a lot of visitors but quite doable for me.  

On the last day we ate an expensive breakfast across the street from the hotel, packed up and checked out.  I couldn't even get myself to see the ocean one more time.  We enjoyed the sales tax-free Delaware by doing some school shopping before heading home.  We also had one free game to a nearby golf course, too.  

We made it back home Wednesday night.  On Thursday my dad asked if the kids could spend the night with them.  School begins again in a few weeks and the calendar will be filled with activities so time with my parents will be few and far between.  While the kids are away I've taken advantage of some relaxing but today will be a busy one of unpacking, cleaning the house, the car, pulling weeds, laundry, preparing dinner, and staying busy until the kids return this evening.  There was so much I wanted to get done this summer but, of course, hardly anything had been accomplished.  I'm learning to accept the phrase it is what it is.  

Even in the imperfect moments of the trip, I'm grateful we had this time to be together as a family.  We have already begun dreaming up next summer's beach vacation.    


  1. Your vacation sounds like a perfect getaway. We don't have children at home anymore and my husband and I are not exactly "beach people" (whatever that means - maybe not crowd people) but I think we would even enjoy a couple nights away. Some walks on the beach and even rolled ice cream:) I don't think I have even heard of that!! Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog and your thoughts about Tyler. I do hope is somewhat pleased when he looks down on us back here. Not sure exactly all he is doing but it makes my heart happy that think he is aware of us:)

  2. I am so glad you all had such a lovely time! There truly is no better feeling than sitting and watching the waves roll in and back out. Unless it is sitting and watching Christmas tree lights twinkle. Or snow falling. : ) Enjoy the remainder of your summer, my friend!
