Wednesday, July 24, 2024

I Felt The Need To Say It (My Thoughts On The Current Times)

 I desire to make my home a place of peace and a safe space away from the outside world.  I want my blog to hold the same feeling.  Sometimes most of the time it's just difficult.  If you've been paying attention, American politics right now is ... I'm lacking a proper word for it ... out of control.  One candidate was nearly assassinated and the other candidate, currently president, decided to drop out of the race.  It had been a nail-biter trying to figure out who the replacement will be, although I think most of us already had the idea.  It's a mess.  If you're outside of America looking in I imagine you are shaking your head wondering how a country known as the "free world" can become so reckless and disgraceful.  Our country is so divided and people have stopped becoming friends with each other over different views.  It's sad.  In my post about President Trump I lost a follower.  I'm not upset about it.  I think it's sad that people want to dismiss us only because we think differently.  America is supposed to be about freedom and it feels like we are quickly spiraling away from that.  I'm sure you are someone who just doesn't want to hear about it and I understand.  I wish I did not care so much.  I've been surrounded by the talk of politics my entire life.  My father so adamantly watches the news and expresses his feelings either in a newspaper editorial, an email to family and friends, or during every conversation we have with each other.  He taught me the importance of standing up for what I believe in and he taught me that it's the politics that keeps our country from either continuing our freedom or deteriorating from it, so we have to stay tuned in.  My son has started becoming very actively interested in politics, too.  He is always telling us something he learned or asks questions on what we think.  It's constant.  It's everywhere.  And it's getting scary.  

But I'm not letting any of it control me.  You see, as much as I believe in the importance of our government I also believe we have a God more superior to anyone who holds office.  He has a plan and has it all figured out from beginning to end.  "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future," -- Jeremiah 29:11.  My trust is not in President Trump, President Biden or anyone in a pants suit.  It's in Jesus Christ.  However, it's still imperative that we stay informed and do whatever possible to make sure we stay on track.  I know posting my thoughts on the blogosphere isn't going to do anything to fix the problems but maybe it will help encourage someone in some way.  Or maybe you started reading, realizing this was going to get political and didn't continue on.  That's okay, too.  I love having a platform to share whatever is going on in this head of mine.  Also, it's nice to have a place where years from now I can look back and read while thinking wow we really went through that?  

We are living in such uncertain times right now but it's always been that way.  If you are paying close attention to what is going on and feel any level of anxiousness I encourage you to read the Bible.  Scripture has a way of filling me with comfort.  My Christian friends, I ask you to join me in prayer because as it says in the Word, "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them." -- Matthew 18:20.  And lastly, "and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land." -- 2 Chronicals 7:14.  Our nation needs healing.  

God, please comfort our hearts and our minds  Heal our country and this world.  Help us move in a direction that is in Your will.  Father, I thank You for the many blessings You have given us and I ask that You deliver us from the wickedness of sin and help keep our eyes focused on You and You alone.  In Jesus name, I pray -- Amen!    


  1. Dawn, I so appreciated your thoughts and your being willing to share here. I have hard time doing so - especially with politics. I get so "caught up" that my emotions and "all of it" do tend to then I sort of bury my head in the sand. Neither option is ideal. I really would like to be able to share/express my opinion better - and more often. Definitely a struggle for me but I certainly appreciate those who can. Thanks for sharing -

  2. What a beautiful post and something I don’t see anyone posting. I wholeheartedly agree with all that you said.
    I grew up like you -my family lived and breathed current events, and politics. The news was on and we would discuss it at the dinner table. That is also how I raised my family.
    I believe these times we are in, demands a response from Christians.
    Nice to meet you.
