Sunday, July 14, 2024

Sharing A Piece Of My Heart ~ And A Fun Day Out

Our pastor spoke a message today about our need to share our Christian beliefs and helping others around us.  He spoke of our desperate need of America needing to be turned back to God.  It got me thinking about a lot of things.  How can I serve?  What is it that God wants me to do?  How controversial can I get before it becomes too much?  Oh, so many questions and waiting upon God's answers.  

When I started blogging years ago it was a way of connecting to the outside world.  It was thrilling to find a place where I could meet other people in different states and countries - places I couldn't even reach otherwise.  I also use it as a way of documenting the things that go on day to day to have something to look back on.  Also, maybe, just maybe, I might end up writing something that would be an unintended encouragement to someone else reading it.  I also want to be able to use this platform to share my heart.  I understand not everyone wants to read a blog post of someone complaining or saying something that's considered controversial.  Not many enjoy hearing about someone else's religious or political opinions, I get it.  However, when it comes to writing from my heart that can sometimes be just that: controversial.  Like with what happened yesterday with President Trump and, boy, did that leave my heart hurting.  We are a country that has pulled far from God.  We are a nation that is going downhill fast.  To me, that is no coincidence.  My heart also sometimes feels frustrated in trying to keep up with the housekeeping, or in disciplining my children and I get the urge to just write about it.  Pouring my heart down into words can be therapeutic - it always has been for me.  So, maybe, from time to time I'll write a post on things you may not care to read about but I'm going to write it anyway.  This blog is mine.  I do love meeting other people through it, having others read my words and also reading other blogs - it's quite fun!  But this blog's intention is for my heart and my purpose.  

And sometimes, it's also nice to not have to get too deep into those feelings.  It's nice to use this platform to just step away from the madness of reality.  To write about things that are uplifting and positive - we sure need that too.  If you're like me, you're surrounded by people who only want to talk politics and the controversies of the world and just want to find a place to escape it.  Could I use this blog to provide both?  Absolutely!  I can even do so in one post.  

Let's talk about our adventure into another town yesterday.  My daughter needed new ballet shoes and a leotard for her new year of dance and with not having many places around here we were told about a store that was located about forty-minutes away.  We decided to make a family day of it.  So, we went into the cute little ballet shop and purchased her needed items. Can I tell you, being a dancer is not cheap.  Afterwards, we found a small free museum across the street and decided to walk around.  I love that my kids are interested in history.  Then we decided to grab ice cream for lunch, which my daughter complained about most of the day because her root beer float was not filling enough.  We also walked through an antique mall.  We had been to the ice cream shop and antique mall before and it was fun visiting again.  Yes, my kids also enjoy antiques, too.  Then we walked around another one of our favorite places in that town - an army war college museum.  

The four of us are always busy all the time and it's nice to be able to have a day together, even when there's whining from the almost thirteen-year-old and attitude from the sixteen-year-old.  If my heart is struggling with anything right now, it's knowing how to handle the attitudes of those two.  Ugh!  I know, it will all pass one day.  Right now it feels like a battle I'm not winning.  We experienced it, again, today after church.  I needed a moment to remove myself from it as I'm now sitting on my bed typing this up.  Now, I think I'll catch up with some other fellow bloggers and just relax the rest of this hot Sunday.  

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