Thursday, July 18, 2024

Summer Days Are Passing By

Good morning!  I'm awake after going to bed late last night (wanted to watch the RNC) and now I'm enjoying a quiet morning with a cup of coffee while the kids are still sleeping and before another busy day begins.  I am so grateful to have met new (to me) bloggers from my last post.  Thanks Sandra for putting that together.  Once school begins and we are on a more set schedule I'd love to get back into joining in with the Happy Homemaker posts.  I really want to improve on this blog.

The summer days for us are all over the place.  Some days are slow moving while other days I'm running one kid one way and the other kid the other way.  These two just don't like to sit still while the introvert me would rather stay home.  Then there's endless piles of house cleaning that I just can't seem to get through. 

When I thought summer would be a good time for getting rearranging done I'm realizing it's probably better to do it when the kids are in school and the house is quiet and empty.  With my kids home we spend quality time just relaxing with each other or I'm busy being their chauffer.  My son has been joining in on cross-country open gym practices and he also signed up for marching band and will be starting band camp next week.  This week my daughter has dance camp with a new company we decided to move to.  The decision was one we had been wrestling with but it's going to be a good change.  Three other friends from the last studio are going too so she's not alone in it.  The mothers and dancers I've met so far are really nice and welcoming.  The last studio was very expensive and filled with drama.  I desired to take her away from it and after much prayer that's what we did.  I definitely saw God's provision through the process. 

I'm also experiencing day four with a headache.  Pain medicine has not worked.  Maybe it's the heat.  Maybe it's hormonal.  I'm just hoping it passes soon.  Oh, the heat.  It's been over 100° in the last several days.  I step outside and feel like I've been stuck in an oven.  Within minutes my face fills with unpleasant sweat.  I've always loved summer but the older I get the more eager I am for those cooler temperatures.  

The remaining weeks of summer vacation are filled with so much activity and will continue going by fast and there is only one more month left until school begins again.  My son made a comment last night that every year for him seems to be going faster.  I told him wait until he has children then it will all pass with just a blink.  I'm grateful for every moment.  

1 comment:

  1. Hello, sweet friend. First of all, I hope you find relief for your headache. And your son is a very observant young man. He is exactly right! Every year does seem to pass faster, and like you said, wait until you are older! You already know I am so much like you as far as staying home. I love this life of an introvert, yet some of my kids were so much more like their Dad! I hope you have a good rest of the summer. And Band Camp! That brings back so many memories!!!
