Sunday, July 14, 2024

"Old Fashioned Blogger - Say Hi"

I have been following Sandra from Diary of A Stay At Home Mom for years.  On my previous blog (A Little Bit of Sunshine) I would often participate in her Happy Homemaker Monday posts.  When I moved over here I stopped but I continued to follow her.  In fact, once I started Blogger she was the first other Blogger blog I found.  She is one of my favorite bloggers and I wanted to join her on a recent post where she's asking everyone else on joining her in answering a series of questions so we can meet other bloggers/get to know each other.  I don't have a lot of followers, to be honest.  Okay, here we go.  Also, please join in and make sure you add your link on her post here.   

"Old fashioned blogger - say hi!"  

1) How long have I been blogging?

I think it was the year 2002 after getting married.  My husband was working and I was off and browsing around online when I discovered a blogging site called Xanga.  I created an account and started typing random thoughts and experiences of my day and quickly met other fellow Xanga bloggers.  From the time I was a newlywed to having our first child 5 years later and probably another year or two after that I kept blogging until Xanga announced they were going to start charging their users.  I'm not sure anyone was happy about that decision and it seems Xanga had shut down completely.  I wanted to continue blogging and found myself wrestling between wanting to be on Blogger or Wordpress, but I went with Blogger.  It's not as easy finding other bloggers on here as it was on Xanga but it's been fun having place to write my thoughts.  

2) How did I choose the name of my blog?

To be honest, I've had many blogs.  The last one was called A Little Bit of Sunshine because my name is Dawn, which means sunrise.  Then I intended to create a separate blog for some more formal writing and named it Dawn Marie Writes; however, it has just been a continuation of the informal posting everyday events with an occasional more formal post about my faith or something learned as a parent and wife.  

3) What is my blog about?

A lot of this and that.  I like to update on what my kids are up to, something that has been on my heart, my faith, anything and everything.  I may do an occasional recipe, too.  

4) Tell us a little about yourself and your family?

I'm 45 years old, born on Long Island, NY and came unwillingly to Pennsylvania at almost 14 years old.  I fell hard into depression and fought a lot of suicidal thoughts for years.  In college, I accepted Jesus as my Savior and that is also where I met the man who would become my husband years later.  We have been married for 22 years and have two kids - a son that is sixteen and a daughter that will be thirteen next month.  My son will soon be starting his junior year of high school and joined the cross-country team and the marching band.  He's played baseball since age 5.  He has also been a member of the boy scouts and is very close to earning Eagle rank.  My daughter, going into 8th grade, is in chorus and band in school, and takes private violin lessons.  She's also been taking dance classes since the age of 4.  They keep us very busy.  I began working as a school van driver last year but since it's only a few hours in the morning and a few hours in the afternoon during the school year I still consider myself a homemaker, since that's what I do most of the time.  My husband works in finance for a very popular (around here) construction company and is also a treasurer on the school board.  

5) A few of my favorite things (collections, things that make me happy, etc)

As far as collection, I have a ton of rubber ducks in the downstairs bathroom.  I think the collection began randomly and unintentionally.  I also have a collection of Tweety Bird stuffed animals and most all of them were gifted from my husband starting before we were married.  

6) What do you like to do in your spare time (hobbies, crafts, etc)

I love writing and not only do here on this blog but I've also been working on a manuscript.  I also like doing jigsaw puzzles and diamond art.  I have a small garden of tomatoes and peppers.  I also like to read but don't give myself a chance to do it often - I need to get better at that.  

7) What does your dream house look like?

Something spacious with an open floor plan. A two-car garage.  A room just for exercise equipment and a room I could use as my office where I can write.  A swimming pool in the backyard for the kids would be a bonus.  Also, enough yard for goats and chickens.  

8) If you could visit anywhere, anytime, where would it be?

I would love to go to Italy.  I've always enjoyed their culture, language and cuisine.  I also think Greece would be another amazing place to visit.  Also, Ireland.  I would pick Israel because it would be great to be in the same location Jesus had once walked but ... well, that's not going to be ideal anytime soon.

9) Would you share with us a favorite homemaking/organization tip or recipe, etc?

Well, I sat here and thought about what I wanted to share but to be honest I need to tell you something that's been on my heart.  For years I've struggled with trying to keep up with a house that can very quickly become messy.  I've stressed about it.  Before the kids came along the house was always clean and bare, then came all of the toys and mess.  I know once the kids are grown and gone the house will be clean and bare again.  Until then, I can't sweat the mess.  This is a tough one for me.  

10) Tell us something about yourself that we might not already know from reading your blog (something unusual, etc).

My family knows this but I'm extremely afraid of snakes.  I'm not sure if it has anything to do with the story of Adam and Eve but those things freak me out.  I'm also afraid of closed in spaces.  

11) Tell us a way God has blessed you/your family.

In our family we have endured a lot of heartache, sickness, health issues and surgeries, also a lot of disagreements and arguing - but we make it through every time.  God blessed me with two amazing kids.  

12) Share any words of wisdom and/or favorite quote you'd like to leave us with.  

My mother always said advice is free and you don't have to take it.  That was something that helped me whenever someone would give me unsolicited advice.  I'd listen knowing that it was only their suggestion and I could do with it what I want.  

And one of my favorite verses is something that I need to remind myself of every time we are faced with evil.  "In this world you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world" -- John 16:33


  1. Dawn, I really enjoyed reading your answers! A few things I (somewhat) knew from reading your blog but lots of other interesting tid bits. I always enjoy getting to know the person behind the blog. Wonderful that you worked your salvation testimony into your answers!! I enjoy following your blog and your writing! Happy Monday to you:)

  2. I really enjoyed reading this and I did 'follow' your blog! Funny, I remember Xanga! I used to write in livejournal and it was funny I didn't remember that until reading your blog lol! I love your testimony, and how Jesus turned your life around! Thanks for sharing!!! I look forward to getting to know you better!

  3. I enjoyed reading your post. I remember Xanga too, wow, feels like eons ago now. I totally agree with your thoughts about the messy house, homes are meant to be lived in. And I also totally agree with your mother about advice, I've always found it hard to push back but now I just go - "ah thanks, I'll think about that" and then ignore it if it is bad advice... or if it's horrid advice I'll basically ignore it and let silence speak for itself haha

  4. Interesting questions. Fun to read your answers. Spiders are my nemesis!

  5. Hi Dawn, I found you on Diary of a SAHM! That is my FAVORITE verse!!!
