Be Content

 Last year I kept hearing the words be still appear in my mind.  The year started with a skin disease diagnosis for myself and then one month later the entire world shut down because of a virus.  Through those things I felt anxious and scared but those words be still, which are found a few times in the Bible comforted me and reminded me that I needed to stop worrying and trust in God.  In the same way I kept hearing be still I am now hearing be content.   

The word Content is an adjective that means "in a state of peaceful happiness."  How can I live a life of contentment when the world I live in is filled with so much hate, destruction and corruption?  For almost one year we have experienced the heartbreak of such an awful virus.  Last week I learned that my brother-in-law lost his mother to complications from Covid-19 and many around me have lost loved ones too.  How can I help those who are grieving find contentment in the midst of such devastation?  I don't even know the answer to that question.  All I can do is offer my friendship and care and possibly a shoulder to cry on.  

As a Christian I believe that eternal life exists.  I believe that Jesus died to save us of our sins and if we believe in that and honor that we shall be with him in Heaven.  Our life here on earth is only temporary.  In heaven, our new life will go on forever.  I just can't help but feel so excited for that.  Nothing I have here on earth can compare to what it's going to be like in God's presence.  With that, it's easy to be content with what I'm given here on earth.  I'm also part of a great country.  Sure, it's not perfect and all of the things going on right now makes me scared for what things are going to be like in the future.  I feel these wonderful freedoms we've been given are being threatened and as President Ronald Regan once said, "are just one generation away from extinction."  What would I do if I lost all of these freedoms I've been blessed with for over forty years?  If I lose everything is there anything I would still have?  

I would still have my faith and that promise of an eternal life with no more suffering.  One of my favorite Bible verses comes from John 16:33, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world."  Ooh, the part that says, "I have overcome the world," gives me goosebumps.  Right now we are experiencing things like no other time in history, at least not in my lifetime, but God's promise of having already overcome all of that leaves me feeling at peace and helps me to feel content as I go through this chaotic life here on earth.  Most days it feels as if I'm walking through fire but I know when I get to the end of my journey I will be free from all trouble.  Believing that is how I find contentment.  

For many years I struggled to find contentment with the house we purchased.  It's a two-story three bedroom, two bathroom house.  The backyard is a decent size but we are so close to the neighbors all around us.  The rooms are small and we've accumulated so much clutter over the years and it's hard to make these small spaces clean and organized.  I've spent a lot of time dreaming of having more space and a bigger area to move around.  My husband and I have had several conversations and the poor guy has suffered through hearing me complain.  He is someone who works hard to provide for the things his family not only needs but wants and I'm sure it's no fun to listen when his wife says it's just not good enough.  Of course, if my husband came up to me and said let's put our house up for sale and find a bigger one I wouldn't hesitate to go; however, I am finding how to be content with everything I already have.  I may never be able to afford a mansion and that's okay.  I'm grateful for this house.  It truly is a nice home and the size shouldn't matter as much as how much love I put into it.  I've learned that all these materialistic things I have, or don't have, won't even matter in the end because none of it will go with me to eternity.   "But godliness with contentment is great gain.  For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it." -- 1 Timothy 6:6-7.  So now, instead of dreaming of what I'd like to have I sit in my house, look around, take a deep breath, and thank God for what I do have.  It's more than enough. 

 "Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." -- Hebrews 13:5

So no matter how dark times are I will be content with what I have and know that through it all God still provides ... 

1 comment:

  1. This is so beautiful, my dear friend. I could not agree with you more. Your home is indeed beautiful, and your love of your family makes it even more so!
