Happy New Year

 "Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me" -- Psalm 51:10

It's a new year and a chance to start off on a clean slate.  I hope 2021 brings an abundance of joy, peace, and blessings to all of you who are reading this.  2020 was a tough one and I'm not sure if 2021 will be any better but we can certainly control how our minds and actions stay focused on God, the One who has a plan and purpose and can use our current situations to His glory.  As I recall the awful things that 2020 had brought, I can see clearly how God is working through it all and I truly believe his goodness will win in the end.  That brings me comfort and peace.  I can't imagine how crazy my mind would be right now if I didn't have that belief.  

I don't know what things are going to be like in 2021 but I'm pretty certain we'll still be told to wear masks and keep our distance from one another.  I have hope that we'll be able to take a few vacations this summer and I really hope my daughter is able to have a normal June dance recital and in person competitions.  It's all up in the air now.  

After a very relaxing and enjoyable Christmas break we are now back to work and school.  My son has begun doing his school work completely from home.  We'll see how that goes.  He was really having a struggle with the masks.  He's a very quiet and shy boy so I know he doesn't have a problem with being home.  My daughter, on the other hand, is an outgoing social butterfly and insists on staying in school.  

I haven't made any resolutions because if 2020 has taught me anything it's that life is unpredictable.   We can plan to do things one way but everything can change in an instant.  Like the idiom goes, don't count all your eggs before they hatch.  I'm not setting goals and I'm not planning anything.   Just moving along one day at a time.  God knows what tomorrow will bring and I trust in HIM.  

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful, my friend.
    Your last sentence?
    Have a cozy evening. : )
